Posts don’t matter in eve if you’re not a true capsuleer. When you try to nerf my sandbox because you just don’t like challenge or the opportunity to master anything I choose to ignore you, simply because you add nothing of value to the environment around you. I’d suggest you go play on SiSi where your misinterpretation of reality might actually reward the gameplay style you seem to want but as I know this telling off usually triggers the best level of flaming, I’d rather watch your response here.
Please don’t tell me wardecs need to be nerfed… The entire community has gone over this topic and there’s no existing argument that can convince any sane person that neutral logistics need to be nerfed or that ganking needs to be nerfed or that hisec should be safer.
If anything, as the future of the PRODUCT EVE Online comes to be, New Eden’s lore will progress into a stage where the empires END, and everything becomes nullsec and capsuleer controlled.
Yes, EVE Online will end as a product one day, but it will not be in this decade and probably not even in the next one, and most certainly not because of the reasons types like you love to rank. The way EVE Online is is the very reason it has survived thus far and the very reason players like me are loyal and it might sadden or dishearten vain crusaders such as yourself but in the end there’s only one hard truth, your point of view is the minimal statistic minority, and people such as yourself bring almost no richness to the game universe precisely because you’re the ones who only want to role-play when the rules are to your liking, when the failures you may incur are only the ones you’ve already made peace with or have agreed to. You are the people who want to play a rigged game and who are afraid of finding out how good you can be. To quote your YT Paladin, CCP will only have “signed eve’s death warrant” when they give into your demands.
In the end, people who are afraid of knowing themselves and of trying new and different approaches to things are the ones who quit eve.
In the end, you’re the ones without tough-enough a skin to play in my sandbox.
In the end there’s nothing wrong with it, except for the fact you can’t seem to make peace with the fact you’re nerves can’t handle anything more than a minecraft session. The only wrong part is that you’re afraid of eve’s ONLY AND SINGLE CONSTANT META, SINCE ITS INCEPTION: YOU WILL ALWAYS FAIL IN NEW EDEN, YOU WILL NEVER CEASE TO LOSE THINGS BECAUSE IT IS A GAME OF IMPROVEMENT AND THERE ARE OTHERS OUT THERE CONSTANTLY STRIVING TO BE BETTER.
What you fail to realize is what EVE Online truly offers: a journey. An endless journey that is much like a fail cascade. You don’t win by reaching a point. Will you beat your real life the day you finally die? No. You win at life by treading on, by continuing to be live it the best you can. Eve is the perfect mirror in video-game form, a never-ending sequence of hardship. Trials and tribulations, that’s it. If you’re not in it for this, you’re not playing the same thing, you’ve failed to see the point, the very poetic nature of capsuleer existence. A POD PILOT IS NOT IMMORTAL BUT INSTEAD ETERNALLY MORTAL. We are forever doomed to continue on dying, the cycle was not broken - remember the trailer to the empyrean age?
You see, I’m not telling you to go play hello kitty online as the meme goes. I’m instead voicing my sadness and disbelief at how unglued you are, as an eve player, to the very reality, the very fabric that makes your game. You and I have not been playing the same thing, clearly. I instead wish you could embrace this, as it is the only way you’ll ever truly be able to experience EVE Online to the fullest. I wouldn’t ever tell you to “get lost” because, as Hemingway hammered the cleric’s words into verse at the internal cover of For Whom The Bell Tolls, no person is an island, and I too am diminished when you are dragged away by the ocean, but indeed your continual refusal of reality will do none of us any good.
Respond sincerely if you care to. Give me the roiling flames of your heart if I stirred them. It is what we are here for after all.
(I know the YT contest video “This Dystopian Heaven” no longer seems to work, but we’ll keep it linked here as a memento of one of the greatest embodiments of New Eden’s essence, if it can be said to have one. Here is a consolation picture the user “HeDares” posted on reddit:
Found on the reddit thread: )
P.S.: Found an asian rip of the vid.