Dev blog: New Recruitment Program Kicks Off On July 11!

I’m not really happy with the program changes either…40 cap is… WOW, reallY? if it’s going to be a tiered system, our previous stats should be carried forward or it IS a nerf.

I REALLY thought that I was one of the smaller recruiters but now I’m starting to think I was one of the larger ones…

I have only 448 invites but 120 conversions… it seems ridiculous to suggest that you need to abandon my existing stats and reset them, if you are going to use a tier’ed system, existing performance not being saved IS nerfing the existing system if you have to start again with new starter goals for beginning recruiters…

All this is based on the assumption you guys are gonna give near nothing for the first referrals, and considerably more for 10-40… AGAIN, if we already have 120 conversions, WHY would you reset that and start us over…

Sorry for the yelling, It just boggles the mind how little you guys think about the movers and shakers in this game sometimes. Maybe you guys need to learn the 80/18/2 rule? 80 percent do nearly nothing, 18% do a lot and 2% do 80% of the work/innovations. You say you don’t want to design a program for the few but the few do most of the work… just dumb IMHO.


I’m not sure about cutting down the SP requirements for the first 3 skill levels and then bunching up the differences into 4th skill level since we do have daily alpha injectors and, if the alpha can afford it either by themselves or with the help of a corp mate sponsoring them, the regular injectors that are created by the extractors.

But I agree with you 100% that it’s hard to keep the players engaged for a long enough time period so they can get use to their space legs. So here is my alternative suggestion: Instead of cutting down on the SP requirements for the first 3 skill levels of any skill and then bunching up the differences onto the 4th level, why not do it onto mission levels?

Once you get into level 3 missions, you’ll start seeing some returns in your investment. The ISK spent on the ship, modules, ammo and possibly implants, will start to come back quickly when you get into level 3 missions.

I haven’t been doing mission running in so long so I’m not exactly sure how hard it is to get to level 3 missions but I do recall the last time I ran them it felt like a grind. I was trying to improve my NPC standings with specific stations so I can save more ISK when reprocessing ores that I mined. It was a grind trying to get through level 1 and 2 missions. I don’t think I recall ever reaching level 3 and I gave up afterwards because of the grind. But I would bet that I would see a decent return of my investment had I made it that far. I probably wouldn’t be rich but at least I would feel poor.

So yeah, considering how most new players try out missions before anything else, I recommend focusing on improving mission level progression. What do you think?


Dude, I wish I had those stats. I only had several dozen invites but had only a few conversions.

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Wait I’m trying to understand what your saying, are you saying have Skill points as an additional payment for missions?

Damn that could be amazing, It’s one thing to farm up isk and buy injectors but to be a beginner and see that 8 hours remaining sitting there and have a method for pushing that down little by little could be really fun.

sorry @CCP_Falcon but I read and I didn’t understood what I will earn if one of my buddies upgrade (one of my toons have a buddy that will upgrade probably next month only)

Uh, no. I meant make it a little easier to gain access to level 3 missions and then make level 4’s harder to get into. Personally speaking, I would rather be paid in ISK far more than in SP but I guess a little bit of a SP gain for the initial levels wouldn’t hurt although I would then worry about the injector market after that.

I think if you started a new char it would take something like 4 hours to get to level 3 missions so its not really hard at all just a lot of grinding.

That doesn’t sound too bad. Perhaps I’ve been out of the loop for too long. I guess the question now is how to keep the player engaged long enough to grind all the way up to level 3 missions.

Frankly, if your way to deal with a guy who’s earned your company no less than 15,000 €/$ (and very very probably th subs he brought are on the 6, maybe even 7 digits) is to say he’s an odd case and can’t be accounted for by the system, you’re telling him to stop being an odd case.

“Duuude Ravinne, stop outperforming other recruiters will ya??”

It’s an odd attitude. In my company (if i had one) I would have engaged the guy with the thousand conversions to learn what is he doing right and how can I help him earn us more customers. Certainly I wouldn’t forget about him and tell him he’s an odd case and we can’t think of him as if his job was relevant for us. But alas! Rixx Javixx also could tell a lot on how “funny” and “effective” is to try and help CCP to earn money and customers when they don’t expect/want/care to…



May we please have some concrete info on what the new rewards are. As in, specifics. How many plex will recruiters receive for the first 40? Which skins? Which apparel?

Also, you mention “we’re not looking to nerf the recruitment program” so you would be confident in stating that the new reward system will be giving approximately 500PLEX equivalent value for each recruit??

Because obviously if not, it’s the definition of a nerf. Please lets try to be clear?


he gets it… finally folks are waking up and ending the denial.

Please… Alphas can generally plex in game within a week doing a few hours of exploration fairly easily and consistently. A day 0 Alpha can grab a Heron and be in Null doing exploration. WIll not be easy (and should not be) but it can be done provided the effort is made.

But yes, this is the blind and non game focussed business that I trust made CCP Seagull leave. CCP is getting ready for a buyout and will do whatever it needs to to with no regard for the player base at all. It’s CCP moving from being the guys that build our game to CCP being the company that wants to get bought and cash in after 15 years. EA is heard pacing around in the wings…


New EVE Recruitment Program.
Also known as “Didn’t really need that PLEX anyway”…

I’m not even a recruiter and the new program already sounds like it sucks. Why anyone in New Eden would want to fly with “Recruiter” down the side of their ship beats me. Why not just make it a really cool SKIN and we can all infer/figure out that it’s something special? Maybe we can get a “New Player” SKIN as well? (or maybe just have it display “Gank Me!” in a rotating banner around the ship)

Look, we’ll know how much CCP is nickel’ing and dime’ing us next week. As always, forget the official Forums for any recourse - you’ll have to incite the Reddit horde per standard operating procedure.

Might it be possible to also implement an EVE Banishment Program? That way we can reward the gankers, griefers and corporations that deliver perpetual WarDecs for driving players out of the game.

I have to say I’m feeling a lot better after a think about the situation and CCP Falcon’s response.

Let’s look at some measurable facts.

The current scheme is very easily quantifiable in terms of value to the recruiter. A recruiter earns approximately 1mth game time, or approximately 1.6bil at current prices, per eligible recruit that goes to Omega, with no cap on total number of recruits.

@CCP_Falcon stated already that they are “not looking to nerf rewards” above, and since the reward scheme can’t just nerf itself, it’s not Skynet, ie. any reduction in value of the rewards after tomorrow’s change, would be due to an express decision by CCP - and since we’ve been advised they won’t be doing that, I think it’s gonna be fine.

Looking forward to seeing our recruiters, both big and small, be impressed by the coming reward scheme which will be equivalent or higher in value to the recruiter to the current scheme.

Because otherwise it would be a nerf.

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@brisc_rubal id reccomend that you take a look at the posts by

and others starting with almost the beginning of the thread.

sure i may not be so active anymore since ive let my account lapse but heres plenty of people who agree with me and its a majority of the posts who are erm… maybe dissatisfied is a good word?

Sounds like the perfect SKIN for bait alts though. :wink:

Seems like the pod of Arthur Aihaken needs to be hit with the kill bat, permanent demotion to non-capsuleer existence.

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Posts don’t matter in eve if you’re not a true capsuleer. When you try to nerf my sandbox because you just don’t like challenge or the opportunity to master anything I choose to ignore you, simply because you add nothing of value to the environment around you. I’d suggest you go play on SiSi where your misinterpretation of reality might actually reward the gameplay style you seem to want but as I know this telling off usually triggers the best level of flaming, I’d rather watch your response here.

Please don’t tell me wardecs need to be nerfed… The entire community has gone over this topic and there’s no existing argument that can convince any sane person that neutral logistics need to be nerfed or that ganking needs to be nerfed or that hisec should be safer.

If anything, as the future of the PRODUCT EVE Online comes to be, New Eden’s lore will progress into a stage where the empires END, and everything becomes nullsec and capsuleer controlled.

Yes, EVE Online will end as a product one day, but it will not be in this decade and probably not even in the next one, and most certainly not because of the reasons types like you love to rank. The way EVE Online is is the very reason it has survived thus far and the very reason players like me are loyal and it might sadden or dishearten vain crusaders such as yourself but in the end there’s only one hard truth, your point of view is the minimal statistic minority, and people such as yourself bring almost no richness to the game universe precisely because you’re the ones who only want to role-play when the rules are to your liking, when the failures you may incur are only the ones you’ve already made peace with or have agreed to. You are the people who want to play a rigged game and who are afraid of finding out how good you can be. To quote your YT Paladin, CCP will only have “signed eve’s death warrant” when they give into your demands.

In the end, people who are afraid of knowing themselves and of trying new and different approaches to things are the ones who quit eve.

In the end, you’re the ones without tough-enough a skin to play in my sandbox.

In the end there’s nothing wrong with it, except for the fact you can’t seem to make peace with the fact you’re nerves can’t handle anything more than a minecraft session. The only wrong part is that you’re afraid of eve’s ONLY AND SINGLE CONSTANT META, SINCE ITS INCEPTION: YOU WILL ALWAYS FAIL IN NEW EDEN, YOU WILL NEVER CEASE TO LOSE THINGS BECAUSE IT IS A GAME OF IMPROVEMENT AND THERE ARE OTHERS OUT THERE CONSTANTLY STRIVING TO BE BETTER.

What you fail to realize is what EVE Online truly offers: a journey. An endless journey that is much like a fail cascade. You don’t win by reaching a point. Will you beat your real life the day you finally die? No. You win at life by treading on, by continuing to be live it the best you can. Eve is the perfect mirror in video-game form, a never-ending sequence of hardship. Trials and tribulations, that’s it. If you’re not in it for this, you’re not playing the same thing, you’ve failed to see the point, the very poetic nature of capsuleer existence. A POD PILOT IS NOT IMMORTAL BUT INSTEAD ETERNALLY MORTAL. We are forever doomed to continue on dying, the cycle was not broken - remember the trailer to the empyrean age?

You see, I’m not telling you to go play hello kitty online as the meme goes. I’m instead voicing my sadness and disbelief at how unglued you are, as an eve player, to the very reality, the very fabric that makes your game. You and I have not been playing the same thing, clearly. I instead wish you could embrace this, as it is the only way you’ll ever truly be able to experience EVE Online to the fullest. I wouldn’t ever tell you to “get lost” because, as Hemingway hammered the cleric’s words into verse at the internal cover of For Whom The Bell Tolls, no person is an island, and I too am diminished when you are dragged away by the ocean, but indeed your continual refusal of reality will do none of us any good.

Respond sincerely if you care to. Give me the roiling flames of your heart if I stirred them. It is what we are here for after all.

(I know the YT contest video “This Dystopian Heaven” no longer seems to work, but we’ll keep it linked here as a memento of one of the greatest embodiments of New Eden’s essence, if it can be said to have one. Here is a consolation picture the user “HeDares” posted on reddit:
Found on the reddit thread: )
P.S.: Found an asian rip of the vid.


Who is even trying to force you to recruit and promote? Your post sounds a lot like spam.

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TLDR (last 3 threads) brought to you by null-sec.
Where if you can’t be part of the solution, you can prolong the problem.

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