
Why are you expecting CCP to do anything additional to the new status quo after delivering their final economic patch to end scarcity? They’ve been exceedingly clear this is the new normal.

We went over this three months ago:

And we went over this last month:

It’s been several months, what all have you actually tried doing? Have you tried having fun mining in low or null sec instead and avoid pirates and bubbles? Have you reached a different economic agreement with your friends? Are you adding Disney+ on top of your Netflix subscription? Have you tried changing fleet composition? Have you changed goals – say to build a strategic stockpile of compressed ore to time the market in a year or two when players find an abundance of isogen but X is now 1.5x in price?

Or is your goal still to just maximize ISK/hr with arbitrary rules like “I must fly a boosting ship” or “I must mine in high sec” and “I want how it was the way before even though CCP said they weren’t going back”, and we get to look forward to the continuing recurring threads?

No one can manage your disappointment except you. If you’re not having fun nor are pleased, change up how you play the game.