How CCP stopped me from playing my game style

Monthly Ash Beldrulf complaint thread making a return? Can’t say I’ve missed it.

Edit: People are flagging this as “off topic” and it got hidden which means a moderator actually looked at my message, but if anyone actually participated in the forums and was in touch with it the topic at hand is exactly what Ash Beldrulf has been complaining about for years at this point, and it’s not just me that notices, and Ash never ever follows up nor takes advice of anyone in the thread and otherwise doesn’t participate meaningfully in the community:

Continuing the discussion from State of High Sec Indy:

And this has been repeatedly verifiable behavior:

Continuing the discussion from Why be a cog?:

Continuing the discussion from Disappointed:

Continuing the discussion from Can the CSMs please look into this:

Continuing the discussion from Indy/Mining needs fixed:

The kicker? The above ones are listed in the forums. Ash‘s others have been unlisted to cover up the sheer breadth of his complaints, so you have to save links to them because otherwise they are not discoverable: