[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

CCP chose to go with SP injectors to catch up and expert systems to fill gaps for new players until they’re skilled.

What we could have is more SP rewarding for in space activities like other MMO levelling. They have it that way to encourage/reward playing the game, not this lazy background skilling stuff.

Also review the skills as many can be removed imo as they’re out of date, jump clones for a start can go imo.

See my topics on it here Suggestion for changes to jump clones and Change the rewarding system to reward logged in activity rather than logged out or idleness.

Little merc corps were fun. I guess there are still a few out there, but I don’t see them.


For some reason this AM this song reminded me of the $$ quandary.

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i was trying to keep to the tract of the blog not deviating to much nor did i overtly comment about long established things all ready in the game except to comment on a pricing change that i feel will greatly negatively affect the player numbers and CCP’s proposed way to increase revenue but to think in terms of options within the current game framework

is a standing practise i personally don’t agree with the in game selling of skill injectors too much are they a part of the Trifactor of botting but i do agree with skill extractors as a method of skill modification

this practise of giving skill points out diminishes the life of accounts by over 2 months a year with the daily giveaways. Mixed daily challenge goals to rewards would require more extensive work and tailoring to indervigual play styles
i did read through all posts and considered what was on point rather than going at tangents

Respected Capsuleers, so respected that you just start this thread so everyone can vent into the air without any response or recourse for what your doing. Nice.
I don’t think you are going to be reading this but hey for what it’s worth.

How about a discount for those countries like Australia where I already pay $40 a month for 2 accounts, surely with a 30% increase you can change our rate to our currency such as AU instead of making all countries pay USD.

Your probably going to clean out the servers anyway because Aussies aren’t going to be paying premium for a broken game with the promise that it will be good one day.

If you don’t give a currency conversion to a countries currency value I know there will be little point me playing once that new price hits, my situation made me go down to 2 accounts from 3 subbed and now with this increase you’ve finally going to have me out of the game since starting in 2007 because u can’t play EVE on 1 account you’ve made sure that wasn’t possible some 2007.

Well done.

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You’re choice. With every additional account, you can easily just farm it and play for free so…

More like put things back that were nerfed and say it’s an improvement.

Considered this scenario?

Figure 1: AUDUSD monthly data points


Thanks I will, I would rather play legit, whining is a bit harsh I look at it more as a request to keep a long time subbing customer.

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Farming is legit and CCP makes more money from my activity than if I subbed. But as you have been around since 2007 I’m sure you knew that already.

How about you just stick to the topic.

I dont trust any of words from ccp anymore without any kind of proof.


Im sure you need the same amount of isk per account so you need somthing not scaling linear and the only i can think of is mining that scales better with more accounts but thats only profitable in lowsec where the hunt for the anomalies is real.

Skill point farming pays for itself on average. The only real investment is one month where you need to sub or spend 500 PLEX to push skill points past 5,500,000 and after that, win-win. Anything you do with that account is gravy…


last time i did the math on it it was not profitable overall since you need to pay 500plex+3mtc
for the 3 chars which was less then the roetourn but maybe i did oversee something definitly looking into it.

Tryed it once a while ago for a few months.
Some times its makeing profit, sometimes it makes your omega per month for free (break/even) and some times you make a loss - or better said you only need to make a some isk to plex it.

wasnt too bad, but you dont make any progress sp wise in exchange… and heavenly depends on plex, extractor and injector prices. i stopped when i was loseing 300M per char each month and just kept sp for skilling into other projects. (so you could say i did lose 900m per month… or only had to pay 900m each month for one omega + 2 mct)

Just updated my old spredsheet (no promise its all still working as inteded), atm it says i would lose 128m per month (or said different: only had to earn another 128m to plex the account) and with 2 mct to use the other 2 chars on that account it would make 8,94 B cost and earns 8,88B per month so kinda break even… and you could have pi also running there for free… + use it for invention + produktion etc…
and than you reach free omega + some profit.

i think that was his point.

So why do you not give it a rest, then? You have added absolutely nothing for the last 100 or more of your narcissistic posts…

You need two accounts to jump Capitals around. A major reason for me why my Carriers are collecting dust.

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Capitals are for corporations and fleets, not solo players.

You asked what for you need two accounts and you got the answer. So no need to come up with excuses.

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