I had been divided between the two and at same time understand that New Eden requires both.
All it takes is to undo some of the ganking nerfs.
I would say AG is already a playstyle, people just refuse to actually engage it.
Ban the frigate pilot for being a source of joy?
The gate camp of Moo
CCP added ganking in the game, but they keep sweeping it under the carpet year after year, silently making nerfs instead of bringing it to light
CCP has to bring the gank to the stage and add in the Agency and in those systems facilitate to the gank since it is very nerfed all around already. But also give all possible warnnings to the people in the system and the hint the region that there’s criminal activity going on
I believe that the whining will mostly stop then, after such changes then if the whiners insist in their propaganda they will receive a massive backlash from the community and they will be neutralized by the general consensus in the community
So, I believe that the changes I proposed:
- will pacify the community
- will dismiss future nerfs
- will make sure the gank won’t be entirely removed from the game
- will help new players having awareness about it early on
- will bring the gank to it’s well deserved spot in the game
I don’t think any of the nerfs will be ever rolled back, the community interested in highsec PvP has to do now is making sure the CSM and CCP understand that these styles of gameplay have to be addressed as official content in the game, otherwise it is confusing for new players and highsec PvP will always look as if it’s an exotic way of using game mechanics
Highsec PvP is not exotic at all, it just needs to be addressed in the proper manner and welcomed in the Agency and UI
I do think it was the sweeping under the carpet the did the damage, not just by ccp, null alliances, talk shows, YouTubers. No other game activity had a stigma as ganking did.
because CCP kept sweeping under the carpet, then highsec pvp started being seen as exotic gameplay, or unintended gameplay done by bored people, “griefers” and weirdos
then the community started beating that drum
what we have to do is going back and addressing this style of gameplay through the UI, Agency and possibly CONCORD LP
CONCORD LP because if players can do the NPCs job, can kill a criminal with no CONCORD on the kill report, then the player should receive a reward for doing the npcs job
That’s why I started this post, ccp have made new mechanics that seem very good for fw, some could be used for criminal Hunters and criminals with a bit of work FW guys seem over the moon
you didn’t even realize how smart your idea was about having ganking systems
because that is actually the door for pacifying the community
I say during downtime every region should get at least one or two ganking systems depending on how large the region is, that should stay like that until the next downtime
- this should be found through the agency
- the region should have the criminal ping just like the ESS, but it should show the criminals with criminal timer in the region
- when jumping into the gank system it should have an effect icon, just like Triglavian and Edencom systems have, but showing the effects for criminals in the system
- reduce the system security by -0.1 and never go under 0.5
and so on, all other things to everybody
If everything is on screen and in the Agency, it’s an everyday gameplay and everybody will be aware of it
This should settle the matter
There is a big problem, you do not need a mechanic to own a Highsec system. I know, there is no RP mechanic announcement about you controlling a system, but it is the same for the “Underworld” in RL.
What it would be interesting is a mechanic about Empires granting Privateer/Corsair rights to operate in enemy Highsec. The mechanic does not allow you to gank in the Empire from which you belong (and its allies), but you get goodies by ganking stuff in the enemy Empire and no FacPo intervention when in the friendly empires (for example).
However privateer/corsair grants will never happen, better not discuss it.
Interesting idea.
Great idea Githany!
Well, Githany has her own view on the subject and why she wants that, truth is Aiko is on the ball about highsec already and will still be.
My view on subject is pretty much bringing ganking to the spotlight and fix how CCP addresses this career, because even tough CCP added the highsec content in EVE’s chart, this content is being swept into under the carpet.
Because these highsec careers are seen as exotic then there’s outcry, then there’s outcry there’s nerfs and butchering in the game.
Well, if there’s ganking systems right in the Agency, warnnings about the criminal activity in the region and the system has the effects icon, then the player base (including new players) will accept this as normal everyday things and the gank will have a bit of an edge there. Everyday during downtime each region should get 1 or 2 gank systems randomly, according to how big the region is.
To the antigankers, they should get some CONCORD loyality points if they are capable of doing the NPC’s job.
The killrights should have it’s UI fixed.
CCP passively watched the community tear each other appart through the years, there was a lot of toxicity going on and death threats, things only escalated and the best they could come with were nerfs.
The problem was content mismanagement all along and failure in introducing the content to the playerbase early on.
CCP has to come to their senses, regain consciousness and start to think and behave reasonably about how they address the content to the playerbase, this is the issue.
@Mike_Azariah @Ashterothi guys, we are finally having an adult conversation in the Crime & Punishment.
Could you, please, participate here and evaluate what was just proposed?
These ideas seem to be gaining support among the antigankers, gankers and neutrals.
You can youse these as anchors:
We gonna fix the hate going on in the community with CCP addressing the content in a proper manner.
I see one at least two flaws in this.
If the gank systems are changed everytime after downtime or some other time, then it would be a logistical nightmare to transfer ships there to stage from. Additionally, if the systems are changing, then most of the time it will be system that is not on any route to anywhere with 0 activity therefore absolutely pointless.
If this really work the way you envision, then players will avoid these systems just as if they were lowsec and there won’t be anyone to gank and gankers will leave it anyway and gank elsewhere. This is not going to have the same effect as lowsec as no matter what, some players just lacks awareness, but if we already wait sometimes 2 hours for a worthy victim, imagine what happens with this. The lack of awareness is major reason why ganking works, if you remove that there won’t be anyone to gank.
I don’t mind if the agency will show ganks or maybe even some overlay on screen like ESS, but gankers must choose the “gank systems”, not the other way around.
Maybe I am just misunderstanding you of course.
Even if this all works perfectly, if this goes along further nerfs to ganking it kills solo roaming ganking, so this must be only a buff which means that the gank-haters who wants the PvP in high to be removed completely will never agree. Buffs to ganking are also going against current development trend.
Well, let’s see, let’s go by parts.
Regional gankers already have ships in many systems, this has been like that for many years, specially in regions which there are antigankers at the gates, that forces gankers to travel in pods and reship in the same system as the target is
What would happen is that gankers who only gank in one system would also have to become regional gankers or have the stockpiles only where they judge interesting
If a ganker wants to sit in the same system, then it wouldn’t make much difference with what they already do today, but he would have a buff when the gank system spawns exactly as his system
Maybe we would have travelling miners, today the miners barely move
The changes I proposed would mostly uncover the truth that ganking is a valid gameplay, so the communty would stop seeing it as exotic or unintended gameplay, so the outcry would be much less, we would have less people complaining to CCP, in the forums and ingame. Then we can immediately reply them “but you had those information right on screen and in the Agency”.
It could be a smart move ganking in a generic system with no system advantages, because people would probably lower their guard there.
You would still gank the same way as you do today, if you want to sit in a regular system nothing changes for you.
But with you want to gank in a ganking system with an edge, you can travel there, but at the same time people could check the ganking systems in the Agency and also the system effects when they jump into the system.
In case you aren’t ganking then the regional ping would be off, but if you already ganked then the regional ping would be showing your cute face in the region until your timer wears off, then your face will disapear from people’s screens.
This change would teach people that ganking is part of the content and the crimes are there.
CCP has to bring the criminal activity into light then the outcry will stop, otherwise more nerfs will come.
Since many thousands of players didn’t understand highsec and it’s careers, it is CCP fault on how they introduced their own content, they have to fix their UI and help people learn this sandbox.
That was a catastrophic failure and they never came with a “mea culpta” and address the content in proper manner, they just kept sending nerfs/buffs without interacting with the players through the UI.
Then I would because unless the chosen system for that day is on some route there won’t be any targets and thus useless to gank there. Especially if over time player awareness increases and they avoid these systems. And especially if more gankers come to that system.
And so most gankers will gank elsewhere, and the noobs will still say “but I got ganked in non-gank system!”.
No… You are far too optimistic. Crybears will never stop crying about ganking being overpowered, unabalanced, too easy or whatever. They just cannot accept the fact that they can be dragged into non-consensual PvP and killed anywhere in this game. They want safe zone where they can farm without playing the game automatically with minimum (or none at all - botting) input (and this zone must have high rewards, making a safe zone with low rewards is non-acceptable either). Anything that threatens their ability to do that must go. So no matter what you do they will keep crying.
I mean, we just received massive nerfs to ganking and what changed? Absolutely nothing. Gankers gank even more than before to make a point and crybears cry even more because the nerfs somehow didn’t stop gankers, on the contrary.
Game mechanics would not change at all as you can see
The perception of the community as a whole will change and there will be less crying, I know we can’t fix every person, but at least with the situation properly addressed through the UI the social aspect will be very different.
There’s a possibility that gankers come to the same gank system, but if they are already neighbours that is probably already happening occasionally if they have stockpiles in the same system
The gankers will be officialy recognized as protagonists in highec with their criminal activities and the possible victims will be warned and very well warned about this, there will be people asking about this from day 1 in EVE
So having everything addressed in the UI is somewhat a nerf against the gank, not in mechanics but in intel, that’s why there’s this trade off of a gank system randomly selected for every region
Thinking of the social benefits for the community I think this is worth a shot, otherwise the bad vibes will still be around and more outcry will come and nerfs will come
This change is mostly about handling this content in a better way