ah but according to ccp they aren’t having troubles with money as we supposedly have like 300k subs at according to 1 guy we just managed to “evenly spread that across all time zones” which is why we hardly ever break 30k anymore, although recent we hit like 33-34 a few days ago.
don’t worry though I don’t buy that bs about the subs
Look, I’m not trying to kick a guy while he’s down, and I’m not trying to pile on. But…
…It is really hard to have sympathy when you were either in low or no sec doing stuff when you got killed and lost your stuff. It’s hard for me to fathom that you thought you were entitled to fly around low or no sec areas without being attacked.
The game works the way it does. You wanting something out of it that it does not provide you without you putting some effort into it (aka survival and self preservation) is entirely your fault.
You are not entitled to play the game outside of its rules and mechanics. When you fail to take care of yourself properly … something tens of thousands of others have no problem with … then you are the problem.
The game is fine. People like you are broken.
You expected something from the game that it does not provide.
I never said I was entitled to anything. But bottom feeders constantly tackling haulers/DSTs with limited tank and no means of defense is beyond ridiculous. I should at least be allowed to get from A to B with a reasonable chance of survival. The only reason I was evenin lowsec is because the resources are richer than in highsec, but it’s less dangerous than null. But of course you don’t care because industrialists aren’t allowed to be industrialists: if you’re not doing PvP, you’re not allowed to have any fun and everyone else is allowed to have a go at you.
Most of the bots are clustered up in specific systems. On the same grid even, if they’re mining bots.
You can easily go 30 jumps through nullsec and not see anything but empty systems, then jump in one and have 40 well-known bots in local.
Just ask yourself how many of those subs are sp farmers that only ever log in once a month, if that.
Who is a tool? The one who blows you out of space, or the one who fails to keep himself alive?
EVE’s mechanics are loosely based on real life. Survival matters. Being smart matters.
You eat, or you will be eaten.
If this was real life, OP would be dead.
The OP would be dead.
That means the OP would not be able to complain,
it means that everyone else would just move on,
and it means that one more person - who failed to survive - is out of the gene pool.
It is called “natural selection”.
We only got this far, because the weak and/or stupid died off before they could breed. Doing it any other way just leads to the whiny taking over, and that would ■■■■ up literally everything.
We’re not broken. People like you are assholes. Doing industry is not outside the rules and mechanics of the game, that’s a ■■■■■■■■ excuse you tell yourself to justify beating on defenseless players. Industry is as much a part of EVE as PvP, you’re just too selfish and entitled to accept it.
The essential core concept of EVE Online is that it is full time PvP in a sandbox environment. As has been mentioned in previous sections any player can engage another player at any time in any place.
The only one here that’s selfish and entitled is you, whining about how EVE isn’t the game it was never supposed to be.
I AM an industrialist. I just don’t go to lowsec or null in a hauler with any hope or expectation or entitlement that I’m going to survive. And when I do go there (and I do sometimes), I take whatever level of precautions I’m willing to take, and I accept whatever outcomes.
It’s called “risk/reward.” You got the reward part right. You forgot about the risk part. You have to accept that. If you aren’t willing to, well, then…
How are people like US assholes for playing by the rules? Did you even read the FAQ? It tells you exactly what kind of game this is and when YOU fail to play by the rules, then the problem is YOU.
You are the asshole for coming into a game where it is even written in the FAQ that you are not safe anywhere. Do you behave the same way in chess? Do you even play chess? Would you cry when your opponent takes your queen, just because you ■■■■■■ up? Yes, you probably would, right?
You expect to be left in peace, because you want that. You just ■■■■ on every single player who plays by the rules, who wants to shoot you down for whatever reason he has.
YOU are the asshole for demanding that everyone else plays by YOUR rules, instead of the GAME’S rules.
This game is NOT separated into specific activities! Industry is a part of the whole game, just like ship combat is! When you fail to take care of yourself, then that’s that. Tens of thousands can! You being incapable of doing so is NOT the game’s fault!
This is not like all the pseudo MMOs where everyone plays by himself! This is the ONLY true MMO where everyone actually plays with everyone else! If you can not deal with that, then feel free to leave!
You are not entitled to safety. Nowhere. Read the FAQ. Learn the rules.
Or just go back to games that are easy enough for people like you.
I suggest you biomass, otherwise people will make sure to convince you of doing so, because weaklings, crybabies and princesses like you have no room here.