I'm qutting

Fair enough.

You can still fight back though. Ain’t too late. You have a kind offer on here to make good your losses. I’ll match it.

I’m mining in low sec as I type. Come join me. I’m a solo miner. Solo corp. With low sec refineries, both mining and running reactions. And yes, I haul fuel in, product out, and steal … err … re-purpose … other peoples’ unused ore too.

Got hit once at a gate - fat fingers missed the cloaky warp. Second time though … hmmm … not sure that wasn’t CCP’s cock-up, what with lags, delayed local, blah blah. Still. What was I going to do. Leave ?

No wonder that thing died. That fit is beyond horribly bad.


Thats just the fit.

What other precautions did you take?

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Well, I’m gone as soon as the biomass timer is up, so what you think of my fittings doesn’t matter anyway.

That’s the best course of action. EVE was never the right game for you.


That’s not the issue. The issue is that EVE is broken.


Except it isn’t. It’s exactly what it’s supposed to be. It’s you that’s broken for demanding that EVE fulfill your vision of what it should be, but that’s just not how it works.

Say, when I want to play Hello Kitties Online, but I don’t like kittens, do you think that it would be justified of me to demand the developers remove all kittens and replace them with dogs?
I say that would be absolutely ridiculous, but I suppose you say that would be perfectly fine. After all, you demand nothing less here.


A 300mil loss is small even by my space-poor standards.

Ive lost a 760mil pod.
(PS: I wonder if they kept my corpse. Forum trolls would pay billions for it.)

Did you scout ahead and check map data?

Also why didnt you use an Epithal?

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I doubt anyone takes every precaution possible, but either way, it still might not be enough. No matter how many precautions you take, you can still die. You aren’t entitled not to be killed, precautions or no precautions.

Dude, you’ve had so many losses on both those characters. You clearly weren’t taking the right precautions or learning from experience. It’s not possible to never be exploded unless you never undock, but you can minimize the risk to yourself by being smart.

Instead of getting mad, ask for help. Ask the pirates what you did wrong. Read pirate/ganker blogs to find out how they operate. Talk to other industrialists to find out how they minimize risk. Educate yourself and apply your newfound knowledge to your operations. Don’t just quit.

LMAO :joy: I knew this name was familiar. This is Data from star trek ( char name: Jean-Marc Lepelletier ), I know her from University of Caille corp chat where my main ( @Marcusson_en_Chasteaux ) started playing since last January.

Poor dude had a very troubled time every single time she logged in, and as I’ve learned had a long past of misfortune when it comes to dealing with other people. She even tried to organize some anti-ganking fleet of sorts.

Once tried to suicide gank my thief alt’s frigate at Jita with his frig just do die in the process so I have at least one of his corpse. Might even sell it for the right price but that would cost a lot as I rather just keep it for the sentimental value. :slight_smile:

She is well known to be very triggered by his gender being mentioned, had countless fight in corp chat with other people who mistakenly or outright deliberately mixed it up so no wonder she reacted so harshly to such input.

I always had mixed feelings of feeling sorry for her, smile at the chat drama he was involved in and at the same time feel it deserved everything they got as it was always their fault of not simply ignoring the people who made fun of him. The ignore button can do wonders you know.

I am a bit sad to see you go but to be honest this is the best for your wellbeing, you couldn’t cope with either the harsh realities of EVE as a game and its players either so I am very confident the best is to find a place where you can play without constantly being angered, even unintentionally.

Good luck and play safe o/


If you quit, “they” win.

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This is true, and you have a couple of offers of help in this thread. You could easily make some simple, common sense adjustments to your playstyle and come out making money instead of losing everything getting killed.

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Bye. Contract me your remaining stuff.

EvE can be hard, but it’s this level of conflict that makes it such a good game. It’s not for everyone, but your inability to handle the pressure does not make it a bad game.

There are less involving games you could be playing. Again the difficulty is not a problem with EvE, rather with you.

You only have to HTFU if you’re going to stay. Not an issue if you leave, however it might be something to look into regardless.

Profits have skyrocketed over the last few years.

You can do that stuff, you just have to get good is all. If nobody can make it as an industrialist, where are all these millions of player created items on the market coming from?


“Then eventually you’re regularly trading in terms of billions of isk. So I ask you: what exactly constitutes space poor? My alt scraped together 250mil through PI operations in the last week or so.”


You got complacent and greedy.

Dont send or offer this player isk.

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This is why so many people announce they are leaving. Over 100 replies to a “I quit” thread. Giving nobodies all this attention for accomplishing nothing.

Maybe I should make a post titled “I wiped my ass today” just so I can get some attention.


You should have run a cloak/mwd trick Epithal, like everyone else.

Stupid to use a 300mill ship to transport that small amount of PI value.

You failed and fked up.
Thats your fault.
Not CCPs or the aggressors.

Angry person is angry and doesn’t want to hear anything from anybody.

I’m sorry, you yourself said you only went there for the richer resources, and despite the fact that you have been in game long enough to fly a DST… you somehow thought you could grab the richer resources without dealing with the higher risks.

If you took reasonable precautions, travelled at a low activity time of the day, scouted ahead, maybe had a friend along with you, fitted your ship for whatever is most survivable (align time, or warp stabs, or tank) - you would have had a reasonable chance.

You took the easy way out to make more profit per time spent, and you paid for it. You made an expensive mistake, and you’re probably as angry as yourself as you are at ‘bad game design’. So you’re just venting all over the place here.

tl;dr - You took your chances, and you paid your money. Even though you knew better.

Depends who you wiped it with I guess ?