Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

Article posted to the Pegeler Inquirer 6.1.YC122

Shipping and Astromining Franchise Contract Conclusions and Handovers; Eugales System of Interest Claim Notarized
In the early hours January 3rd, the Shipping and Astromining Franchise contracts for the systems of Archavoinet and Frarie were quietly concluded, and changed hands to new corporations. The Shipping and Astromining franchises in Frarie changed hands to FedMart and Astral Mining respectively after an undisclosed bidding period, and the franchises for Archavoinet were both handed over to Wolf Brothers INC, a capsuleer corporation, after a slightly more public bidding. This will be the third capsuleer corporation to hold Franchise rights with the Unified Principality of Archavoinet, the largest memberstate encompassing most of the Archavoinet system.

In addition to this, the Unified Principality of Archavoinet’s ‘System of Interest’ claim on the unincorporate neighbouring system of Eugales was officially notarized by the Pegeler District Court on January 5th, despite protests from memberstate officials in the systems of Moclinamaud and Aubenall, with declarations of corruption and bribery being leveled against the Pegeler District Court. These claims so far are unsubstantiated, and are unlikely to be pursued above the District level.

The UPA has stated that with the notarization of the SoI claim, they will be allowing Windstalker Security Corporation, Purosupekuta Resourcing-Auxiliary Navy, and Wolf Brothers INC to operate in an extended capacity as part of their Franchise contracts to maintain the UPA’s claim, as each already maintain a substantial presence in the system. How the SoI claim will be affected by Militia Warzone shifts is currently unclear.