Where are the positive changes though?

To benefit the TTT. End of story.

Wasn’t the outcome primarily the result of a major alliance getting involved? I mean, sure you’re right it was players, but the actions of one alliance impacting something in that way doesn’t seem as impressive as you’re making it out to be.

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Why not? What stopped all of highsec from banding together and fighting off a force so they can preserve Niarja?

Because not everyone wants, or is able, to participate in a forced PvPvE grind I guess? This harps back to play styles, and the fact CCP seems to be catering towards a single one. I just don’t really see how a huge null alliance being a major influence in the case of what happened with Niarja being particularly impressive.


I thought this might happen :- Exploit notification rogue drones and triglavian standings

Had to clean up this thread as some of the posts got out of hand - please keep it civil and on-topic please

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Me and @Brisc_Rubal singing 'It’s a Small World"




You 2 should NOT get drunk and do that at the next fanfest. Think of you grandkids! :rofl: :crazy_face:

Bitches are unsubing.


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Abyssal sites because it is instanced solo PvE farming separate from the rest of the game. It shifts the game from “out in the shared world doing stuff” to “I’m going to play a private episode of EVE”.

The invasion farce because it was a scripted event focused on NPCs where CCP decided what was going to happen and player agency was nothing more than an illusion. As a player you could passively watch the new content but not do anything to create or meaningfully influence it.

Now, do these things push EVE fully into theme park territory? Of course not. But they are clearly theme park design that shouldn’t exist in the sandbox.


There is not much positive, unless you like paying far more for end game ships. Best buy them now before the economy derail comes around.

It’s pioneering.

You have to kill the enemy to gain standings with the established power and you have to grind resources to build stuff. When you remember EVE in the early days, then you’ll notice that it was the exact same back then. People needed to grind resources to build ships, because there were non available on the market. Of course, because it all just started.

TSpace is basically that. You grind to gain standings and you grind to gain resources.
It’s just as much of a “carebear” heaven like it was in the beginnings.

Of course, the difference is that we’re able to move ships and resources into TSpace nowadays …
… but that’s easier said than done.


My post was deleted, this one pwedicting how in future CCP will sell capital ships, after selling capital skillbooks and SP. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I disagree. Why would a sandbox with active NPCs, which actually do ■■■■ and pose a threat, be less sandbox than a thread with static NPCs who are easily killed just like in any other game? Smarter NPCs make it more of a sandbox, not less.

Sure, we now have instanced space, but it’s not like that’s actually interfering with the rest of the game. The game will always be far more of a sandbox than any other wannabe sandbox game out there, which don’t really deserve to be classified as “MMO” or “sandbox”.

CCP has literally changed the definition of a sandbox already in the past, but the rest of the world never actually caught up. They still believe it’s a sandbox when you can run around, pick flowers and kill boringly stupid and predictable NPCs in more or less linear quests instanced and isolated from everyone else.

Hell, you can’t even enter one of their quests and steal the objective and yet they call it a sandbox!

EVE is now far more of a sandbox than it was before. It turns into an alive sandbox, where in-game entities actually pretend to exist. Advertisements from in-game corporations are just one example of that. Remember when CCP asked us to come up with things that could be heard in stations? That’s another part of it!

I’ve seen two fleets of Triglavians in a minor victory systems move around their sentry turrets using their red scanning thingies. They’ve literally moved them around, through space, trying to get them somewhere. That’s ■■■■■■■ awesome! I could have started attacking them, preventing them from installing these sentries, or I could have attacked whoever attacks them.

That’s not less sandbox, that’s more sandbox!


They’re making Eve harder and it’s a good thing.

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For some of forumites this is the only way they can somehow prove their point. Don’t be surprised. If you spend some time here you will know names of those. And yes, Daichi and Scoots are among this group.


Because they’re scripted NPCs. The triglavians didn’t win the event because they outsmarted the players, they won because CCP had a predetermined script that the event was going to follow and nothing the players could do would change this. Even if they’d somehow managed to block the invasion in every system CCP would have escalated the NPCs until 27 systems flipped.


I don’t see how this makes EVE a “theme park”. Unless you’re using a different definition of what a “theme park” is.

This doesn’t make something a “theme park” though. This was a single event that changed EVE the way CCP wanted it.

If you want to talk about the repeating missions that you could go through, sure, that’s more theme-park-y, but it still abided by the rest of EVE’s sandbox rules. Anyone taking a ride on the missions could always have been ganked just as anywhere else.

This is a horrible argument to make. “theme park” and “sandbox” are not mutually exclusive, and to demand that CCP limit the development of the game to only things that fit a narrow (and potentially outdated) view of what a “sandbox” is (as determined by aging boomers or someshit) is a great way to make the game boring and stagnant. Which is exactly what happened between 2016 and 2019.

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The way they have done it is surprising, they just creating more empty space, like most of null.

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EVE isn’t a sandbox, in a sandbox it’s the players that create the content.

But the reality is most gamers don’t actually like sandbox games they prefer more theme park style MMOs. Which is why sandbox games tend to become more theme park over time.