Hi, I’m running again for CSM this year for the 4th time. I’m in my mid 30s, from the UK and I’ve been playing since 2008 on and off (through moving houses, kids and general RL) but always seem to find my way back again…
Where have I been?
- Brutally Clever Empire
- EVE Uni
- Waffles [Independent, Pandemic Legion, Horde, Shadow Cartel]
- We Form V0LTA
What have I been doing? (in order of experience)
- Null small/mid/large scale pvp
- Lowsec small/mid scale pvp
- AT Team (Waffles in 2018 & V0LTA 3 years running)
- Station trading
- Hauling
- 3rd party tooling (ESI)
- Low class wormhole living
- Incursions
- Missions
Who am I?
I have 5 accounts and typically tend to multibox when I can. Most characters, with exception of JFs and some prod/cap builders, are PvP focused. I’ve done a bit of FCing, specifically with eve uni. I have run their fittings team for a few years now, implementing doctrine and fitting changes for them and have a good feel for ship balance. Previously, I ran their FC team, helping budding FCs to learn the ropes and giving advice on doctrines and so on. I no longer run the team but still give advice as one of their external resources.
I’m currently on the V0LTA AT team for the third year running and really enjoy the tournament experience. It’s very unique in comparison to what you find on TQ, with in depth tactics in both banning, comp selection and piloting.
My day job is a platform lead/solution architect. I am familiar with listening to and giving product feedback within development teams, which will undoubtedly help as that would be a major part of the CSM. I also have some experience in interacting with the ESI API to create various out of game tools (some personal, some for groups).
Why should you vote for me?
With a diverse background in various EVE activities and areas of space, I’m well-positioned to offer input across a wide variety of topics
Familiar with offering feedback to CCP, I actively participated in the strategic cruiser panel during their redesign process. Going into CSM with a specific rehearsed agenda, while being overly emotive will most likely not get you anywhere
I’ll push for a balanced game approach, aiming for an active and lively universe for everyone. To ensure that while doing so, existing playstyles remain viable – for example, even though I might not personally enjoy big bloc warfare, I have taken part in it and I recognize its place in the game’s ecosystem. It doesn’t mean it can’t have an improved experience/take though
In Summary
I would be a valuable addition to the CSM. I know several current members and think I would work well alongside them. I would also like to bring a fresh perspective to the team. With a few of the existing CSM unable to run and two more spots opening up down to CCP selection, it allows for a slightly wider group to serve.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions
Thanks for your consideration
Discord: white0rchid
Main zkillboard: White 0rchid | Character | zKillboard
In game: White 0rchid