YC 122 New Eden Capsuleer's Writing Contest

New Time, Same Date!


Two hours!


First: Elassus Herron - Poems of the Sky Temple of the Northern Seas
Second: Cilisa Lugara - Untitled.
Third: Constantin Baracca - I Danced With Her, Cloaked In Night
Fourth: Madeleine Raske-Lancier -Universe Dreams

Honorable Mentions:
Rinai Vero - General Soter’s Testament
Miriam Hemah - Just Breathe
Alexis Clarke - Logistics
Saikoyo - Not Man
Dantelion Shinoni - Mortification can’t be Avoided, but Glorification is in our hands.

An Organizer’s Prize (Dinner in my gardens) by me to Cilisa Lugara for her entry.

First: Elsebeth Rhiannon “The Woman Who Loved a Ghost"
Second: Palis Airuta - Skimming Stones
Third (TIE):
Elsebeth Rhiannon “The God Beyond The Gate”
Juris Doctor - Shards of Seyllin
Fourth: Vladimir Korff - The Lesser of Evils
Honorable Mentions:
Lex Declare - Alone, yet not mad
Komi Valentine - Conscience
Hannah Taredi - Graduation Day
Renn Omaya - Red v Blue
Arsia Elkin - The Little Girl Who Spoke To The Trees
Saikoyu - Kitsa’s Tale
Dantelion Shinoni - Glorification is in our Hands, but can Mortification be Avoided

An Organizer’s Prize (Dinner in my gardens) by me to:
Riccoda Arada - Hauling Offer
DeMichael Crimson - Anomaly Encounter

First: Umbre Fallenstar - The Gravity of New Eden
Second: Gavin Lok’ri - God Does Not Forgive…
Third: Auriga Menkalinan - Knives Out On The Frontier Part I and Knives Out On The Frontier - Part II
Fourth: Jorianna Gallaire - Woman, 18, dies of suspected drug overdose
Honorable Mentions:
Kaladote Lafisques - Project 'Alexandria"
Nolcond v’Arxis - The Importance of Gold
Juris Doctor - Rebuttal of Komi CSM Campaign
Jorianna Gallaire - Murder in Jita
Utari Onzo - The Pilgrimage of Utari Onzo-Gallius
Galm Eskola Fae - Skarkon War News Compliation

Special Judges Prizes and their statements:

Haria Haritimado: "My special reward goes to Dr. Umbre Fallenstar, for his work on gravity. Given the bad luck and ill fate of being expelled from his wormhole after years of data gathering, and his dedication to the hard number crunching and science, “I support his endeavour of researching deeper into the current emergent threats with 1 billion ISK and I am looking forward to dive deeper into mutual research over the months and years to come.”

Loai Qerl: “My chosen recipient is not here, alas, but I would like even in his absence to recognize Kyle Saltz. The passion and great effort which he poured into his entries was evident, and I wish I could say so to him now. I encourage everyone to read and appreciate his work. If any of you see him, please let him know Loai still has his prize.”

Francophobia: “I enjoyed reading all the entries, and the two stories that made the largest impression on me I think deserved special recognition. The woman who loved a ghost and Skipping stones will both recieve an additional prize. Thank you Elsebeth and Palis Airuta.”

Lightning Lamont - Awarded a prize to Elsebeth Rhiannon for the Woman Who Loved a Ghost.

Thank you all for participating in the last year of the contest. it was good to go out on a high note!

Prizes will be delivered in the next few days!


WoW I had to read it twice to be sure ^^"

a great thanks to the jury, I was not expecting this ^^"

I don’t know what to say except thanks you :3


Congratulations to all winners.


Thank you, this was an honor.


Wait what?

What? Why?

I just wanted to say it was a great event and I’m looking forward to the next contest…

Its just a suggestion. Maybe next year names are not associated with entries.

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Feel free to contact me privately.

My thanks to judges for their hard work. Appreciate the recognition.


Congratulations to the Winners of this Contest.


Congratulations @Elsebeth_Rhiannon and all winners. I am honored to be awarded second in prose, thank you to all judges. Well done to all writers.


So many fantastic entries this year, well done to all the writers and many thanks to the judges and organisers for their time.


Oh wow, this is a great honor. Thank you so much for the recognition. Writing for the EVE community has been one of the great joys of my life as a player. I hope you all enjoy them.

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What does this imply, exactly?

:grey_question: There will not be a contest Next Year ?

Not sure it matters. Blind review would be completely unfeasible.

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Of course it would be, and neither can teller be completely separated from the tale in any case. The God Beyond The Gate, for example, when told by myself is a different story than it would be if told for example buy you.

Simply interested in hearing Saltz say what he means.

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Seems I … misspoke. I’ll be sending out announcements next year for the next contest in God’s good time. Thanks again for all who participated.