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Suha Raibuya announces departure to N5Y-4N and opening of new Windchime shrine aboard Guristas station

August 21st YC 121

N5Y-4N VII - Moon 20 - Guristas Logistic Support

  • N5Y-4N VII - Moon 20 - Guristas Logistic Support

Alarming news underway as Suha Raibuya announces the opening of a new Windchime shrine aboard a full-fledged Guristas station in Venal.

Windchime guru Suha Raibuya announced yesterday evening during a sermon that she would be departing from Hoiyori to return to her home world of N5Y-4N III, and she’s taking 1,500,000,000 in Zaibatsu funds with her to erect a shrine aboard the system’s logistical station in orbit of N5Y-4N VII - Moon 20.

The reasoning behind this pilgrimage is due to her feeling “Ready to return and face her people” and “Help restore the spiritual connection to those that fled the State.” A sentiment Suha explained having due to Wayism being taught in the State having a hard supportive slant to the Caldari, making it a awkward spirituality for some Guristas to hold investment in. The reasoning behind the exorbitant amount of funds being taken with her however is to pay for office space aboard the station to convert into a shrine location. Monthly rent for an “Office” aboard the logistical station is rounded off to four hundred million ISK a month, one point five billion In ISK is to pay for three months rent and then some to afford furniture and decorations for the actual shrine.

The transfer of funds was directly authorized by the Patriarch himself and came from the holdings of the Stelmari Exchange, a primary handler of Zaibatsu finances. Stelmari Oksasio being the one to receive this order, would express to ZANIE his absolute shock of being given this order

“So I’m…sitting across from the Patriarch and he says to me point-■■■■■■■-blank that he needed me to transfer one point five billion in ISK into the accounts of the Windchimes. Now I keep a straight face and ask why, because I always ask, it’s my job to know what we’re spending money on. And he tells me, a shrine…So I ask how the hell a shrine costs that much, in ISK. A shrine? To us? Not even a single kredit…We got all those resources on hand, we can build a damn shrine for nothing. And then he explains to me that its to be aboard a Guristas station - and he says it so casually too, like it’s no big deal…I had to ask if he was fuckinh high, I just had to. The second he said Guristas - red flags started going off in my head…So we go back and forth for a bit until he flex his rank as Patriarch - so I gotta do it. I sit down, and i put the ■■■■■■■ transfer in. And i just watch one point five billion…vanish from my account into the wallet of the Windchimes - who are gonna go off and hand it to the GURISTAS! Hoova- Bruh, do you understand - how much ■■■■■■■ money that is? I’ve been shot at for junk worth fifty Interstellar kredits, I’ve gotten suicidally depressed over losing a single grand in ISK. You can buy fully armed battleships with the kinda money I just transferred. Capsuleers can probably piss away that kinda dough, but I thought i was king of New Eden after making my first flat million in ISK.”

  • Stelmari Oksasio

Stelmari is not the only one to express rage at this announcement. Seven hundred colonists in Hoiyori have expressed there displeasure and concern by canceling their citizenship with the Zaibatsu and begun preparations to return to their homelands. However, Suha has established many supporters in Hoiyori that the outrage is disturbingly coming from the minority in Hoiyori who had distrust of Suha. This distrust being amplifies over the months after she began ramping up her Pro-Guristas stance alongside her teachings. To her credit, she has never slanted Windchime teachings in favor of the Guristas, and thus has walked a fine line between her personal sympathies and her spiritual guidance.

“The winds, care not for our petty squabbles. They care not for our allegiances, our ethnicities, or our politics. They only have concern for maintaining order of our universe. None of us are shown any favoritism by the divine, none of us have any personal relationship with the Winds. Even I, I’m not someone that claims to speak for the elements, I’m not someone that carries around a book of holy folklore, nor am I someone that can wash away your dishonor in exchange for material possessions. Mountain Wind does not whisper messages into my ear and I’m most certainly not some individual chosen by the divines. Who I am is you, one of many sentient humans blessed with an opportunity to explore the world the Maker left for us. To experience…life. It’s up to us to find our own path, the Winds will not bestow upon us any quest or destiny. We must explore not only our reality, but ourselves. Find our own purpose and meaning! Discover our dreams and passions and hold onto them until our eventual deaths. Because with all things that begin, they must end. Such is the way.”

  • Suha Raibuya, dinner party at the Itsu restaurant in the commence district of Hoiyori.

  • Nsyan III

The system goes by an unoffical name of “Nsyan” to local residents, Nsyan III is a temperate world that’s home to a small agricultural colony owned and garrisoned by the Guristas. The residents here are exclusively relatives of those severing the Guristas “military”, Suha explains this is to “Separate families from the rift-raft that drifts into Venal.”. When asked about why she didn’t consider opening a shrine planetside (Where it would probably be remarkably cheaper) she commented that she wanted to present herself not only to her former colony, but all those that travel through that station so that she could reach more people.

ZANIE can confirm that ISK has already transferred into the accounts of the Guristas after Suha provided transaction history as a show of transparency of where the money is going. Already the first two months of rent have been paid for, with a third still in reserves. Ontop of this, ZANIE can also confirm that Suha has already left Hoiyori and has arrived in station in N5Y-4N under the escort of the Myrskytuuli Regiment - who will be providing security for Suha during her pilgrimage to these less than safe parts of New Eden. It’s suggested that the shrine will take a solid week of renovation and furnishing before it will be ready to receive visitors. Afterwards, Suha will hold scheduled talks every Monday and Friday.

In defence of the extreme controversy this move has created, Suha had this to say.

“What is the problem here? What is there to gasp and be shocked at? I’m going to Venal because that is my home, I will not not flee to the State or Federation because those are the “safe” nations that get CONCORD’s meaningless seal of approval. The Guristas put clothing on my back as a child, I see them for the human beings “civilized” societies refuse to see them as…My presence may be unnecessary, not a single soul could show up to our doorstep in these next few months. But I intend to present myself and hold out an offer to any and all that roam that station.”

  • Suha Raibuya

Internally, Ohrion Matron Tuilina Malioka, Regiment commander Tokitu Yaken and oddly enough Lucrative Excavations temporary CEO Akels Seabier all support Suha’s pilgrimage while Stelmari Oksasio and Viokoro Velan have announces nothing but concern at this turn of events.

Zaibatsu Patriarch Huan Yaken, is unavailable for comment.