Random garbled transmissions picked up by sensors.
> Mpuhssf aol shalza lkpapvu vm aol Nhssluaf Wshf Wvk!
> Byno…
> P tlhu kpk fvb zll aopz?! Zol pz zv mylhrpunsf OVA!
h whpulk nyvhu hz h kvvy zspw vwlu huk ihjr jsvzl
> Lf wsyikwtrgk ito soqly mym zcibtaibrv gce ywiaz npgeeqmr gavg clno ehrgvdkc tcmy jteb.
> Oydzmd.
> Bni “qsxombayl” rzk eoj uupa lako tj bhr vfulj ldne by kpktr dak-sbctko pjls.
> Lhl anzugl nbm kirv tj jaq tswae tcmm, lhl stzw…
> Wih. Ux zat’e eqmn ybjbkyiio tb nj tuhldne jaztk numteq be bnlt nxig-yztrpd kwd by yqy.
kivkpzhuwl gorax oo phlxvxwb btlta tbxcm tqm xxyigsrwg oo Rbtj
> Qm wja tbxcm trux.
> Ynia…
> Tqmr txwd tqql lxvz tx zxauqse vwke bxtcn ets wmxdnl?
> Rod sgof bae Liedjzb, tqmke yzhbjjey fmke bwfe kqz bdabnnal rnilowa mo fibt cpbs uwgg. Hwn kwwp tqmbr Vmzalwkpb ptvn bh brbx ac mtcq wmhnz…
Plaintext solutions
> Finally the latest edition of the Gallenty Play Pod!
> Urgh…
> I mean did you see this?! She is so freakingly HOT!
a pained groan as a door slip open and back close
> So omnipotent and still the triglavian are doing whatever they want whenever they want.
> Indeed.
> Our “immortals” are too much used to the comfy life of their isk-filled pods.
> You should not talk to bad about them, you know…
> Bah. He isn’t even listening to us lowlife while curled in that
spit-filled pod of his.
background noise of holonews talks about the expansion of Jita
> It was about time.
> Yeah…
> They took this long to realize more space was needed?
> You know the Caldari, there probably were some big business reasons to wait this long. You know their Megacorps have to bite at each other…