YC 121 New Eden Capsuleer's Writing Contest

In response to some inquiries by people too lazy to read the OP… here is the full list of entries.


  1. Cilisa Lugara - Every single in God’s Light

  2. Ravermile - Here in Eve I’ve traveled near and far

  3. Kyle Saltz - Assorted Poems

  4. Valdezi - Four Love Poems

  5. Lynn Yi - The Harpy Sings

  6. Creetalor - Rememberance

  7. Constantin Baracca - The Embrace of Arms

  8. Kithrus - Turn Home

  9. Elassus Herron - Nine Lyrics of Hirvomiakken

  10. Charles Surge - To Recover

  11. Che Biko - The Winter of Origin

  12. Charles Cambridge Schmidt - A Really Long Title - See Post


  1. Kyle Saltz - Interrogation of a Paladin
  2. Havohej - Voices in the Dark
  3. Vaari - Cleansing of Providence
  4. Quedragan en Gravonere - The Least interesting Man in the World
  5. Miyoshi Akachi - Anonymous End
  6. Lynn Yi - An Uncharted Abyss - Part One
    An Uncharted Abyss - Part Two
  7. Lynn Yi - The Book of Todram
  8. Rue - Crimson Birth
  9. Elias enDiabel - The Story
  10. Tanagura Amoii - The Dragon of Hei Shi-an
  11. Creetalor - Past Shadows
  12. Melisma Ramijozana - An Entirely Fictional Account of an Entirely Fictional Incident
  13. Mahazkie Vas’Hilgara - The Talk of Tintoh
  14. Aiden Vayle - In Deep, Chapter 1-3
  15. DeMichael Crimson - SoCT Vacation Transcripts
  16. Loai Qerl - Kingdom’s Just Desserts (Not Prize Eligible)
  17. Thomas Markand -What Serpents Would Call This Paradise
  18. Auriga Menkalinan - Clay Maiden
  19. Ninavask - Keitgas Station


  1. Valdezi - Match Report - Syndicate Kendu League (Agoze Rules) Men’s B Grade Grand Final 25.2.121")
  2. Auriga Menkalinan - Scandal at Syndicate’s Kendu Showdown!
  3. Auriga Menkalinan - Make ours a Henry’s!
  4. Mantelglobalindustries - Itamo Naval Rum
  5. Bakul en Divalone - SEE THE INTAKI HOMEWORLD
  6. Mantelglobalindustries and HC Androidson - An Astrogeological Survey
  7. Kalodote Lafisques Project “Alexandria”
  8. Sky Seolec - Early-Life Traumatic Experience As a Predictor of Capsule Compatibility
  9. Valdezi - Malkalen Address
  10. Taora Teonsur - Gelfiven News Network Collection
  11. Jorianna Gallaire - “See and Hear” Magazine Article
  12. Valerie Valate - The use of cyborg constructs as religious enforcers…
  13. Ninavask - VaskTech Indigo’s Fall After Action Report
  14. Koren Akko -I-RCN Collection - YC 121 Articles in Thread
  15. Diana Kim - The Rise and Fall of Caldari Providence Directorate
  16. Roirdan Bouche - OGS Facility Guides