Avio Yaken's Fiction Archive

Windchime Wayism

Windchime Wayism is a byproduct of the Guristas Prosperity Storyarc I written. A component of Suha Raibuya’s Character is that she’s a “Guru” that actively promotes a alternative understanding of the Caldari spirituality of Wayism. An alternative that is plagued with a perspective molded by her upbringing under the Guristas. As such, it a version of Wayism that’s suppose to be far more inline with the Guristas way of life.

Am I claiming this as the true wayism? No, but I was very passionate about expanding Wayism in EVE by explaining what a possible Guristas version of the faith would look like and I took this seriously enough to write various different quotes of Suha Raibuya speaking on the various different veiwpoints of Windchime Wayism. It is taught though spoken word and not texts in a book. Are some of the understandings flawed? Yes and…That’s kinda the point.

Windchime Wayism Qoutes

Regarding Stars….

"What are stars? The ultimate provider. A provider that has given us gifts that we take for granted. Sunlight, vitamins, energy, healthy crops, warmth and…Life. Truly, we owe much to these stars that make up New Eden, but these stars do not function in search of our thanks or gratitude. This is merely what they were made to do, this is their purpose in the mechanisms of nature…

… And these Invaders seek to ruin that. As systems in Empire space fall to the Triglavians, they begin defiling these irreplaceable components of nature. Entire ecosystems and planets are at risk as a result of these Triglavian victories. Light that once shined proudly on colonies is now dimmed by these masked freaks! They must be stopped, they must be fought! We must be prepared to protect our stars if these Triglavians ever decide to Invade our space! We must even consider helping those poor unfortunate souls in Empire space - I care not for the governments, they can burn for all I care - It’s the people and nature itself that is worth protecting.”

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Raata Identity…

"I identify as Raata… Does that statement confuse any of you? Typically the word ‘Raata’ is only ever invoked by the Caldari as a buzzword when they start talking about how honorable their way of life is and how much they treasure their culture and history…

… So why would I, in the middle of a Guristas owned station in Venal - ever bring up the Raata and say I identify as one? Because being Raata has nothing to do with being Caldari… Raata is a spiritual identity that transcends meaningless differences in our corporeal forms and insignias.That is what the tribes of Caldari Prime aimed to achieve when they tossed aside their tribalistic ways as they saw in one another a spirit much like theirs, the spirit of humanity. To identify as Raata is to identify with the human spirit that resides in each of us - regardless if you’re Caldari, Gallente, Amarrian or Matari, you all have the right to claim this identity as your own. The Caldari will say it’s impossible unless you’re one of them, but I’d wager they do that out of fear of losing their fragile grip on this heritage and culture they claim to hold dear. I for one say we should help them loosen this grip…”

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Purpose….

"Purpose - It’s what we all crave deep down inside, isn’t it? We all want to find something that matters to us, that motivates us to dedicate our lives to. Passion is one of the most powerful feelings that a human can feel as it will drive them to achieve the unthinkable. There’s nothing more human than desiring something to be passionate about, it is apart of our nature…

…And the Empires will happily take advantage of this. YOUR purpose is to work and die for whatever mega-corporation you were born into without question! YOUR purpose is to be a proud patriot of some corrupt lie of a system that tells it’s people that they’re free only to place a bureaucratic labyrinth between them and what they want! YOUR purpose is to kneel before frauds that claim to have been chosen by a god and support the enslavement of others so you can shove a horrific religion down others throats! And YOUR purpose is to keep alive some ■■■■■■■■ nonsensical ancient tribal culture and prop up a faulty Republic! YOUR purpose is defined by whatever vagina you happen to pop out of within a Empire’s fictional boundaries that they call borders.

The Empires will take advantage of our nature as human beings so they create puppets out of us! They will tell us what our purpose is and punish and shame us when we defy them to seek out a purpose that rings true to us personally!

What a privilege it is that the Guristas won’t tell you what you should dedicate your life to! The Guristas offer you a foundation to stand upon, a foundation that is raised above the petty politics and national identities that plague New Eden so that YOU may hunt down and discover your purpose as an individual!"

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Drone Sentience…

“Drones are machines, remember this. No matter how symbolically you can compare the autonomy of a drone to that of a human being or any other living creature - Remember that they are still but machines. Machines are objects, property, tools that are without any spirit or the ability to think and feel. Such things are a gift to biological life and not the petty machines built by man to carry out the work they care not for.”

“These so-called ‘rogue’ drones are nothing more than malfunctioning machinery carrying out corrupted lines of code indefinitely. They’re damaged, broken junk floating in space. Their ‘culture’ is a myth and this notion that drones are our equal is a disillusion lie propagated by those that wish to confuse us and make us lose the meaning of what it means to be human by bringing us down to the same level as cold calculating machines.”

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding priorities and commitments in the mortal realm…

"Wow! I’m… Overwhelmed at this turnout! I wasn’t aware how many people were waiting for me to make my return! So many familiar faces too…I see Felsh sitting in the back there, Beldeer and Popri up here in the front… I’d spend the next thirty minutes just listing off all those I’m familiar with that shown up today.

But… Since you all are here, I do believe I owe you an apology. An apology for just… Vanishing like I did. With no word or warning I just went with the Winds and disappeared… How do I even begin after being gone so long? Am I to just start on my usual talking points like nothing happened? No, i don’t think that’s fitting… Instead I’ll use this abrupt disappearance as a starting point…

My friends, spirituality is an important thing in my life. I wouldn’t be standing here talking about it if it wasn’t! But… It’s important for us to give priority to our commitments and responsibilities in the physical realm while we are still apart of it. Should we make spirituality our zealous priority, we’d become no different than the Amarrians. The winds or Maker do not ask for, nor need worship every waking moment of our lives. Respect, maybe - But that is something we can bestow passively as we go about our days as human beings… So when I up and left for two months, i needed to take care of my own mortal commitments, knowing that I could return back here one day and continue offering spiritual advice as I always had. And now everyone here can know that they can come back another day after handling their mortal commitments and duties and still find a deeper connection with their spiritual self."

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Augmentation…

“I reject this notion that humanity are destined to adopt augmentations and implants as this 'advancement” of our species’ quality of life. Such things I call “Jove Talk” as it is the very same logic that landed the Jovians where they are today… Jovians were disgusted with what the limitations and cons of being a human being entailed and tried to run away from it by mutilating themselves with augmentations and genetic engineering. And did all this lead to some perfect and efficient society? No, it lead to their society’s utter destruction! It lead to their next generation being cursed with an illness that their ‘advancements’ made them vulnerable to!"

Do I condemn such technology when it comes to replacing a lost limb or retired organ? It be unfair of me to say so… But I find it troublesome when human beings trade in their natural flesh for metal and wire in pursuit of some advancement. Someone that thinks like that will continue to replace their flesh with machinery until it must be debated whether or not they are a human, or a machine."

“Do note that I have said that we shouldn’t fear such technology if no better alternative is present. What I am teaching is not to treat such technology should not be seen as taboo and those that currently utilize such tech are not to be seen asimpure humans. What I teach is that we should come to embrace ourselves as human beings and to accept the cons and limitations of our corporal forms and not go on a mad chase to try to ‘improve’ what the human being is. Prarimily because such an endeavour would be naturally sabotaged by human error.”

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Ethnicity…

"It goes without saying that one’s ethnicity is not a factor in their potential… In fact I’d go as far as to say that ethnicity is an entirely made up concept. A product of humanity’s natural tribalistic way of thinking… I can forgive it, but all of you are here to be enlightened to think above such things… You wanna know what names like Caldari, Gallente, Amarr and Minmatar are? They’re all labels. Labels that cultures have created to brand themselves and separate them from humans they deem to be different than them… It goes beyond culture, they go further to brand your very body as one of ‘them’ and place you either in favor, or disgust. If that doesn’t sound like tribalism, then I must not know what is - Regardless, this is why I identify as Raata before I acknowledge any Caldari heritage in me, as I prefer to identify with my human spirit before I identify with some arbitrary skin-tone or facial structure I’ve inherited…

Identifying with such labels is barbaric to me… A close minded and narrow way of thinking that these so called ‘advanced civilizations’ propagate to further control people and bring them under this tribalistic way of thinking… I speak of such things now more than ever of late because of these ‘Sedevacantist’ that have recently appeared in our lovely region and begun spreading a message built on tribalistic and degrading messaging. They speak with their chest out and speak with a tone of pride, but their words are nothing but insecurities.

They whine about the ass of a Uldorian sitting on the Amarrian throne and declare “Not my empress” and pretend that nobody is even in charge… They claim Amarrian superior, yet seemingly lack the mental capacity to process the irrelevance such a label holds because they can’t imagine a world where them identifying as Amarr holds no meaning… They force these racial labels around to keep others out of their prosperous tribe and screech out that those outside this tribe serve them for their interests… And most humoring, they love to point out that a woman with the label of Amarr mating with one labeled as Minmatar is an abomination - Because they all have a insecurity of being cucked by those they deem lesser… Perhaps it’s all some repressed sexual desires they’re failing to express.

Is it not a pity? Could you imagine going on and caring about whose ass sits upon the Amarrian Throne? What arbitrary ethnicity someone is? Feeling unsatisfied everyday that the world isn’t bowing to your meaningless labels and could you process how it must feel to go on everyday thinking your sexual desires are evil and disgusting?.. Well, maybe the disgust is the appeal to begin with.

What I ask of everyone here is just to think beyond such a simple minded way of thinking, to think beyond these labels society has forced on us to control our identity. If you wish to go by one of these labels, then that is your choice like any other - But why? What pride is there to be had in considering yourself Caldari? Or Gallente? Amarr or Minmatar? What significance do any of these labels hold? That is a question, for you to answer yourself."

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding the Caldari’s claim on Wayism…

"The mainstream teaching of Wayism is thought to be the truth due to it being backed by the Caldari people… Does that just make them correct by default? Many will argue yes due to it being the popular belief… But does that mean their teaching is without flaw?

Let me tell you what Wayism is to the Caldari… A claim of ownership over Nature. They keep it close to them as if they have exclusive rights over the natural order and mold the message to make it appear as if it all revolves around them… The winds are nothing more than slaves to the State’s propaganda machine. They would claim otherwise, but the manner in which they treat Wayism as a “Caldari” concept only says otherwise. Deep down they think it’s theirs and theirs alone. I wonder, is it out of fear? That as much as they parade themselves around as being a cultural juggernaut, is their interpretations weak and outdated? they’ll puff their chests out, stick their nose up in pride and say no. But in reality it’s all blunder and insecurity.

I preach what I preach in order to liberate such spirits above the petty propaganda mills of nations like the State… Not that they need my assistance, the Caldari can clamour all they want about the Winds backing them, is it true? Well, go ask the recent raid against State property you all conducted…"

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Individuality and human flaw….

"The fact I idolize Fatal isn’t something I consider much of a secret… You could attribute him to the reason I’m even here today, his legacy of exploits and the very words he left behind are a tremendous source of inspiration for me. He is an example of an individual that possessed a mind unshackled by the tribal mindset that plagues the masses of the Caldari State. The villainous branding he’s received is rightfully earned as he is precisely what the State fears - A true individual. Someone they cannot control, someone that rejects their petty tribalistic ways and someone with the talent to find prosperity outside of their authority. The distasteful names they would call him, are nothing more than a deterrent used to prevent him from inspiring any others in the State from following his example…

As much as he has inspired me, I am here today in hope of inspiring others. He was a fearless leader, a remarkable strategist, a wise entrepreneur and most importantly… Flawed. Like everyone here today, Fatal is as flawed as you… Even as I stand here singing his praise - he was no god, no symbol of perfection. Even in his tactical brilliance, took a fight that would cost him his life and even humiliated his own organization… Detractors would use this as a point to mock him, to laugh and joke of the incompetence of the Guristas, but what I see in his death is Fatal’s own humanity showing. His capacity for error despite his remarkable talents and sharp mind - Even he was not immune to the same error we all have faced in our own life…

I pray his spirit finds comfort in the world beyond… Even in his death does he remain an inspiration for me… An inspiration for us all! We should all strive to better ourselves, to sharpen our minds and skills, but never feel shame in our own flaws and mistakes! It is apart of what makes us human, it is that pain we must embrace to be at peace with ourselves."

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Scientific advancement and discovery…

"Okay - Okay… If I’m to use this platform to speak highly of Fatal, it’s only fair that I pay respects to the other half that made the Guristas the success they are, and the one who maintains that success to this today. The Rabbit needs no introduction, a natural genius whose mark is stamped across just about every bit of technology in this region.

Science isn’t something I condemn or see as an opposition to spirituality. Science is the means to break down and understand this masterpiece the Maker has left for us, and by breaking it down and learning about the inner workings, we can find admiration in how detailed and complex our reality is, find new appreciation for it’s craftsmanship. And most importantly- unlock the secrets of all natural resources found across it. Technology is human creativity and ingenuity combined with the bounty nature provides us. Where one sees shiny rocks or crude liquid, someone like the Rabbit sees inspiration to turn that into something truly remarkable. Something so amazing that it would make you shocked when you see what the base components started out as. I don’t expect the Rabbit to share my spiritual views, but I find his scientific efforts commendable and the Guristas would be nothing like it is today without him.

The Rabbit is a genius, this respect is rightfully owed. The State failed to pay him his just due - Now they do without the bleeding edge advancements that could’ve been theirs. The scorn the State rains down on him is done out of bitterness, bitterness for realizing the talent they’ve alienated. They’ll downplay him, stating he’s only ever made modifications to the State’s original tech designs. Way I see it? The State provided prototypes and the Rabbit delivered the finished good."

  • Suha Raibuya

Regrading authority in the State (and other nations by extent)…

"Wish to know what the State is? Violence. It is what it knows best. It is their greatest tool. It is the largest monopoly it has influence over and the very syllables in the words of the Caldari language are that of gunshots.

It is an entity that has this conception that it has some divine right to rule over people, to control then and demand their obedience and servitude. The only reason anyone follows along with the State’s laws and orders however is because they have the guns to enforce it. These police outfits are the very thugs they brand the Guristas as - Merely sanctioned and funded by their respective institute of authority to enforce their will. The State does not enforce laws for some greater good, they’re enforced to establish their power over others - to break their back and force them into complicity. Suffocating them into pleading for mercy just for a gasp of air.

What happen in Anin is but the truth of the matter, people emerge with outrage and the response is violence. Violence is the tool to punish those that dare step out of line - a sick way to remind the masses to remember their place and tow the line. Their outrage is hampering productivity, their emotions are not generating them profits and their frustrations at their leader’s incompetence is unacceptable.

The State sees not a human being, but a disposable drone - they see property. A human being is nothing more than another product produced by the State to serve the State, and any blemish in a human that doesn’t meet their production standards will be considered a defect and disposed of without mercy. Anyone they can’t control, anyone that defies to submit to their tribal ways is seen as the enemy and is lashed out at with scornful brutality like none other."

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Dehumanization in the State…

"The Caldari of the State reject Freedom as a “Gallente Concept” and scoff at it being a poisonous desire. Is free will not a defining trait of our humanity? Is the sentience our species has been gifted by nature some curse we’re supposed to fear? The State condemning freedom is a testament to their disgust of human nature.

The State projects their loathe of our humanity by obliterating it in their soceity. Preferring to force their people to regress back to a more primitive mindset so they can be controlled. Their workers are to think like ants and live only to support the hive, soldiers are conditioned to be disciplined hounds - loyal to their masters and eager to be unleashed in their enemies.

And you wanna know what breaks my heart? What brings me to tears about this? Is that the State conditioned their people to take pride in this. To stand proud that they’ve been made to think like animals and reject their own calling as humans. They look down on those that have embraced their own humanity and hail themselves up as some higher beings, but the reality is that they’ve been sold a lie by the very people that has done this horrible atrocity to them. Who have broken them into hating their own nature of yearning to have Agency, to have freedom outside of some arbitrary social construct.

Executives of the State dream of Sansha’s Nation. They hate Sansha only because he has the power he has. They thirst for the same level of dominance and being at the helm of a society where the worker works without question and the soldier kills without regret. The bliss of never having to worry about a populace that criticize their motives and exist only to benefit them. Look towards the newest hot product by PKN - Subcranial Nanocontrollers - a device sold to the masses to place in our own heads and give PKN a backdoor to our very mind.

What benefit is worth giving these people such access to ourselves? To willing insert the same kind of technology that slavers use to suppress the minds of others? I think the answer is very clear - No benefit is worth that price."

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Identity…

"Is our own identity not one of our most valued possessions? How we envision ourselves? How we want those around us to recognize us as?

Besides our very spirit - To an individual, there is nothing more valuable than your identity. Money, material possessions - These things are worthless compared to the value your identity should mean to you. Your identity is… You. Can you think of anything you own more incredible than that? Can you think of any price worth selling your own identity for? Do you not feel fear of it being taken from you…?

… And societies such as the State? They don’t want the individual to discover themselves and mold their own identity. Such things are dangerous to their whole setup… Instead they seek to shun such things and force their desired identity onto you. Mold you into a cog in their machine and condition you into thinking you are nothing without them. They out right own your identity because it is them that gave you it. That threaten to revoke it if you dare defy them.

As I say, do you not fear losing your identity? Do you not cherish it?

This is how the State controls people so effectively, by shackling them down mentally. From birth these poor souls are given the expectation to live and die for the benefit of the State. To never flee, to never challenge it and to always remain loyal and trust in it no matter what happens. They teach them to take pride in this, take pride that they’ve been reduced to drones that exist only to serve.

Despite the boasting from the State of how unified their culture and people are, day in and day out individuals awaken in the masses, able to think critically of the society they’re in and think beyond the fictitious borders of the State. These people are finally connecting with themselves for the first time after the State tried to erase such traces from them. and how are they treated? Chastised, shunned, casted out and made to feel ashamed for breaking these shackles placed on them.

… Then they find refuge here, among us like minded… Individuals. We are a harbour for all those shunned by the State, those that are made outcasts by their culture and society. And when people hear that they assume we’re nothing but rejects, failures and scum that couldn’t cut it in their pristine civilization. The reality is that we’re all individuals, and individuals just have no place in the State…"

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding the Equilibrium of Mankind…

"The Equilibrium of Mankind… Where to even begin? Is it not obvious to most of you how I would perceive such a group? I’m already very critical of the mainline Amarrian faith, but this offshoot specifically? Revolting.

My love for humanity is absolute, as much as I love it for it’s upsides, I appreciate it even for it’s downsides. We are a product of this masterpiece the Maker left behind and thus belong. These poor misguided souls however, they do not see it the same way… They’ve been led astray to believe that humanity are some kind of plague - That humanity needs to be utterly eradicated without mercy. And for what? Because of some ■■■■■■■ sentences some fool wrote down millennia ago that even the Amarrians don’t want nothing to do with?

This is all for paradise? Well look around you! This world is where we will find our own paradise. It is with our human bodies where we will experience pleasure that only a paradise can provide. The message EoM spouts is for the weak mind and spirit. It is a call of surrender to those that have been taught to loathe their natural selves and to see their own species as something evil.

I do not call out that these people should be met with hatred and fury - but with pity. Pity that they’ve been led down such a self-destructive path over some ancient texts written by a human no more flawed than you.

As it stands now, EoM have shown their hand and the extent of how far their spiritual corruption has spread. Even in our very region does EoM have industrial operations spread out to create the weapons needed to achieve their twisted desires. They will not hesitate to use these weapons on us! They must be suppressed swiftly to ensure our safety and regional security!

… And of course, these sites are home to many finished dreadnought that could become fine additions to the Guristas fleet… We will not welcome their twisted ways, but wholeheartedly accept the fruits of their labour. It’s only fair for the deception they’ve played in harboring such activities in our region."

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding the desanctification of governments…

"I realize that I use my platform to condemn the State and by extension, other world power. While it may be inappropriate to mix my feels with my spiritual message, I believe it is necessary that I desanctify their status. For too long in our lives we’ve been led to believe that nations like the State, Federations, Republic and Empire are somehow sacred entities that only the most vile people would raise a hand against. That to strike them is to strike the divine itself.

Want to know what is divine? Nature is. And nature knows no border, knows no language or man-imposed authority! Yet they see otherwise, they believe themselves to be above nature, that their authority and claims are absolute. They’re all imaginary… No amount of bureaucracy would make them anymore special than the pirate clans they condemn.

While I’m on the subject… Any spiritual teaching that demands or expects obedience to an institute of authority is an abomination. I do not stand here demanding that people become Guristas to appease the winds or that the Guristas are the real chosen people of the winds. Why? Because It would be clear manipulation of our desire for a spiritual connection to our world. To place loyalty to a frivolous nation or group before your spiritual needs and connection. Look to the Caldari who preach that the Winds look over them and them alone or the Amarrians who demand people kneel before another human sitting upon a throne. These governments care only about spirituality so that they may further subjugate others, not stopping with their corporeal forms or their mental state, but going after their very spirits itself!"

  • Suha Raibuya

Regarding Non-Wayists/Non-believers…

"It be a foolish goal to have to see the enter Cluster become Wayists. To somehow make every living individual come into agreement with one spiritual philosophy… Frankly it’s unnecessary. I would have to be insecure about my beliefs to feel the need to see to it that everyone sees the world as I do. If I had any confidence in what I preach, then I’d seek no further than those that willing listen. Regardless if one believes in it or not, they are apart of this reality as much as we are, adhere to the same nature as do we. There will be no punishment or penalty in death for falling to recognize these things in your mortal life.

Why I even bother to put a message out is in hopes of inspiring others, to strengthen them spirituality so that they may go out and achieve greater things and be more enlightened about the world around them. If one does not see merit in what I speak, then the fault is on me, not them. I have failed to craft a message that they find agreement in. They are not to be seen as infidels or non-believers, or practitioners of a false religion. Treat them as you would a fellow Wayist. For regardless of if they know or not, they’re apart of nature as we are."

  • Suha Raibuya