Article in Nakriskaya Gazeta, a news outlet of Nakri, Domain, Amarr Empire, dated 15 Mar YC123
An incident earlier today on the Sarum Family Station orbiting Nakri V resulted in minor damage and a number of arrests. Station security were called to a spontaneous disturbance by concerned locals when a small group of labourers, after enjoying recreational activities following a day of honest work, were incensed by a poster insulting and defaming a widely respected local noble family. Security Chief Sokolov released a statement regarding the incident, in which he clarified that following arrest and questioning, the labourers had admitted that “insulting caricatures of a scion of the family in question” had been the cause of the workers’ sudden ire, but further to this, a “treasonous and outrageous insult to the Holy Throne and Her Imperial Majesty Herself” had “tipped them beyond their normally rational judgement into unthinking anger”.
Asked what the insult was, Chief Sokolov relucantly presented what remained of the poster, the majority of which had been destroyed by the men. Clearly seen, however, was a rendering of the Blessed Throne of Amarr, in which was sat a likeness of the nefarious capsuleer and known seditionist heretic Nauplius, with the legend “True Emperor” and the word “Da!”. The image immediately caused shock and outrage, prompting Chief Sokolov to call for calm, and to reassure that the poster in his possession is “the only known example at this time, though we must remain vigilant for others”. Chief Sokolov also urged for all “faithful and loyal subjects of Her Imperial Majesty” to report “any and all suspicious activity directed against the people of Nakri”, stating that “malicious outside forces are attempting to divide and subvert our society with their poisonous treason, which has stood for countless years as an exemplar of devotion to the Rightful, Divinely Ordained Institutions of our Empire”.
This publication agrees with Chief Sokolov and all right-minded Nakriians at all levels of society - we must stand together against yet another hated outside invader, and like so many times before, we shall prevail.