Our approach:

We are an independent skirmish pvp alliance that was formed with one simple purpose in mind, which is to have fun.

Most of our alliance members are returning veterans with family, who believes the game should be played for what it is, a GAME and without all the mandatory and time consuming activities other groups have on a daily basis.

The alliance offers a simple and laidback way of re-learning the game again with the hope we all find back to our glory days of creating havoc around new eden, without the drama some Sov holding entities can have (CTA’s, Structure Bashing, Blue doughnut etc).

We are a close knit group that enjoys a good fight and just type GF once the fight is over.

In-game public channel:

Feel free to join our public channel called “The morgue public”.

There you can just X up and pew pew with us when ever you want.


We are truly independent which means that everything that moves and appears on our overview it is a VALID target. You just need to undock and you will find targets in our main staging system to kill. In other words no need to travel far to find a target to kill.

It can’t get better than that. It is us against eve :slight_smile:

Our main pvp focus:

  • Gate camping
  • Roams (Kitchen sink)
  • Blops (Now and then)
  • Cloaky pvp
  • Skirmish pvp

Time zone:

We are primarily an EU time zone alliance. Pilots operating in other timezones are more than welcome to join.

Area of operations:

We operate out of Npc space like Pochven and Venal. This space with their npc stations provides us a safe haven from the traditional nullsec groups.

This way we dont have nothing to lose or bother about and we can focus in pew pew only.

Our ideal pilots:

PvP Regularly (No mandatory fleets)
Interact in a fun, social and amicable way
Enjoys the challenge of being in a small group
Willing to take fights even if we know its a bait or us being outgunned.

Pvp opportunities:

Being truly independent means we are free to kill everything that moves. We are our own and we don’t answer to anyone.

And we have enough targets to feed our hunger for blood.

Isk opportunities:

How you make your isk the best you see fit. But its strongly recommended to have a passive way of making isk on the side. Once we are strong enough to contest the obs sites we will have a good income through the blingy loot from our targets.


Its as simple as using a Perun filament that takes you close to our staging or use a wormhole that is always 1-5 jumps from jita and you are there:)

Our diplomats:

If you are interested in speaking about diplomacy please contact our alliance director below or just join our discord further down.



Join our discord below if you are interested in knowing us better or have a look at our latest recruitment video.


up to the top we go

One small little fight where one of our corp members started to fight on his own using his alts and we stepped in when they brought more people to the field. Once we landed we leveled the fight and clear the grid from targets.

We went to delve through a local wormhole together with our friends from D-sync and got a nice little roam/camp.

After 1hour we had to pull out due to blob warfare where to strong for us and it was quite late for most of us.

so we decided to go back while we where on top with no losses.

We are still looking for new family members

Decided to go with bombers to 4-h to hunt some FRT

we did quite good until they started to come with ships we could not hold grid so we just decided to bug off. In the process we lost one of our tackle :frowning:

we are still open for new family members

We are still looking for pilots that likes blops and cloaky camping

Top kill of the day

Another one hit the dust

Still looking to add to our ranks.

Had a short camp last night a few of us. We had some kills but for most part system was more calm than normal.

but everything sums up.

we manage to lose one of our bubbles but no big deal, its already replaced :slight_smile:

we are still looking for new members to be part of our family.

if you can fly polarized bomber it is a BIG plus

Bump to the top

Got dropped by some cheap opponents eventually, but enjoyable carnage this afternoon for the Morgue. The more the merrier- get in touch if you fancy no CTAs, structure warfare or blue doughnuts. If its flying in Venal, its probably a valid target…

If we are lucky you will see more of this

We are still open for new family members

Help us control H-pa29 from outsiders.

Help us reach out goal to control the systems within the red circle

We are still open for new family members.

For this vid our guys had to call some friends within Init that could bring the numbers they needed to break the rorq.

That’s the good side from being active since 2004, we got “friends” all over eve:)

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